
Amaranth Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

"Amaranth Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)" addresses common queries about Amaranth, providing concise and informative answers to help users better understand its features and uses.

By The Editorial Board | | 3 comments

Who are we?
We are the official student media organization of Visayas State University. From a student publication, we transitioned to be a student media organization who strives to deliver quality content through social media platforms.

What do we do?
As a media organization, we publish relevant news and content as well as shape public opinion in the university. We also cover significant events in the campus and broadcast important announcements from the university.

Who can join us?
Aspiring Amaranth staffers should be a bonafide student of Visayas State University. Application is open to all students regardless of their age, sex, year level, and degree program as long as he/she has no previous disciplinary record.

How to join Amaranth?
We conduct an annual screening for potential Amaranth members. Our two-phase evaluation consists of a portfolio of work samples depending on the position applied for (pre-written articles, photos, graphics, videos, etc.) to be submitted prior to the interview administered by the editorial board and/or advisers.

Where is the Amaranth office?
Our office is located in the ground floor of the ADE building near the Department of Development Communication (DDC).

Where can we find Amaranth contents?
We operate mainly through social media platforms for they have a more effective and wide reach. We have an official Facebook page as well as a website where news, updates, and other contents are published.

Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/amaranthvsu/?ref=bookmarks
Website: https://www.amaranthvsu.com/

When do we release our magazine?
We are not required to release a magazine quarterly or annually. However, our staff through the years took the enthusiasm to publish magazines that it eventually became a tradition. The magazine is a non-compulsory issue that is created from all the services rendered by the staff all year long (i.e. story releases, graphics, multimedia on web, newsletters, etc.).

How to reach us for event coverage?
You may contact us by sending a message to our official Facebook page strictly three days before the actual event. We only cover events organized by bonafide students of VSU. Our coverage consists of news articles and photos of the said event.

Note: Event coverage is free of charge.

Can non-Amaranth staffers contribute to our contents?
Yes, students may share their works with us by sending it to our official email (editor@amaranthvsu.com). However, not all submissions can be automatically included in our contents. Submitted works are subject to evaluation by the editorial board and/or advisers.

Do we receive compensation for our work?
No, all of our staff work hard to deliver quality content to our audience for free. Regardless of this, we consider Amaranth as a place where we can hone and improve our skills in the field of journalism and media. The only payment we receive is when we gather likes, comments, and shares. These simple responses serve as enough incentive for us to continue working hard and serving the VSU studentry— everything we do is out of our own passion.

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